April 18, 2006

Blog Against (Dis)ableism Day

Posted in Disability at 11:28 pm by caelesti

Blog Against Disablism Day

Today I visited the Ragged Edge, and discovered that someone had proposed having Blog against Disablism Day on May 1st. The idea is to get as many people as possible to blog on the subject of disablism- discrimination/oppression of people with disabilities. Or conversely, _for_ disability rights. Go to the above site, and leave a comment if you’d like to participate. Then on May 1st, he will link to the posts on the various blogs. So spread the word to as many pro-disability bloggers as you can. (You do not have to be disabled yourself to participate) I found it interesting that May 1st was chosen, given the labor history connected with it. Probably intentional. I may blog on that as well, come May Day.

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